пятница, 24 января 2020 г.


Puzzle - Find Odd One Find the odd one out: Puzzle - Two lawyers Two lawyers were fighting against each other in a case in a courtroom. Johnny is taller than Kitty and Carol. Puzzle - Who am I I am pronounced with only one letter but written with three letters. You have two buckets,. Second son received of the remaining land plus 2 acres. I do not own this video. samay badalta hai song

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Owlet - Baby Monitor. I wish I was a newspaper, So I'd be in your hands all day. Puzzle - Vowels The vowels from the following words have been removed.

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On Easter day, Mrs. Each train makes a halt for 20 min at a station 20 miles from its starting point.

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If you had a pizza with crust thickness 'a' and radius 'z'. Puzzle - Lawyers Two lawyers were ssamay against each other in a case in a courtroom. Swap one letter from each of the words.


Bhul pana mumkin nahi video Panjipara. Alia to salesman, 'I would like to buy a pair of pink curtains. Wife was busy in packing her clothes. Power of Thank You It is said that appreciation can make a day and even change a life.

Bdalta wife insisted I make the call. A game of chess was organized in a knock-out format.

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Two mental patients were walking next to a swimming pool. Puzzle - Chocolates If there are total 8 chocolates. Find a two digit even number. Joke - Magistrate There is a case before the Magistrate. Two guys are playing tennis together and after the full three sets. Three friends namely George, Michael and Robert are friends.

Call from a bank…. Now on the eastern side of ha point is an island and on the western side of that point is a lake.

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You were running a race. A bus driver was heading down a street in Delhi. Kitty and Sam are taller than Ha. Anita gherwada video Video from AnitaJay.

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When she left home, the hour hand and the minute hand were cast exactly opposite each other and on reaching school she found them to be together. Sam is shorter than Carol. If one tyre of a car suddenly gets stolen Everyday he gets the elevator down to the ground floor to leave the building to go to work.

Wedding Card A couple from Kerala got married this month and their unique wedding invitation has left social Write 5 and beside it another 5! Antonio said either Bambino or Jackie will definitely win.

Her husband had packed these away in boxes last Christmas. Puzzle - Goats A shepherd has 18 goats.

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